Thursday, 7 August 2008

Quality Quip

It was the accomplished designer Milton Glaser who wisely once said,

"Computers are to design as microwaves are to cooking"

I could not agree more. You can't keep reheating the same designs, day in day out, it only leaves you hungry, craving freshness. There is a real need to stop the laziness and produce something truly original. The true spark of creativity comes from this seemingly archaic and neanderthal method (thanks to technology's hold on the design world) of working with your hands. There's a chance whatever you're trying to produce can go wrong, but there's also the chance that it can go so very right. A truly skilled designer manages to harness this chance encounter with success, demonstrating talent and flare.

Obviously the computer is vital to design today, but we shouldn't rely on it as much as we do - if we leave all design to computers, natural, human creativity might just be lost forever. And who knows; maybe in the end we will be answerable to the machines that we created! i-robot anyone? (and I am literally watching it now on E4)

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