An interesting new progamme started on Channel 4 tonight, The Sculpture Diaries. First in a 3-part series, this episode explored the world of the female form, the most popular subject of sculpture.
An LA ex-plastic surgeon 'found' a mathematical mask of beauty similar to that of Pythagoras' Golden Section and The Fibonacci Series. It was amusing to see him make Victoria Beckham beautiful on photoshop. He mentioned something which I too believe, survival of the fittest. It IS related to beauty. The more beautiful of people will be attracted to each other and produce offspring so over many years, the human race should be more 'perfect'. An interesting Darwinist concept to consider. The last thing to be discussed was the darkest of the dark, the sculpture work of Hans Bellmar who would rip apart dolls and reposition their bodily parts. I was fortunate enough to see a piece of his work, The Doll, in my recent visit to Liverpool Tate. However, it seemed more comical and 'bubbly' than horrifying to me.
The Sculpture Diaries had some annoying over-the-shoulder filiming of the presenter, yet included some great techniques too, such as a perspective pull-focus shot between the Venus de Milo and a small, restored replica. The titles/graphics were so poor that they depreciated the entertainment for me, although the content alone held it together. It was interesting and enjoyable to watch and I leanrt a lot. I now have a new found respect for sculptures.
Watch it on 4OD and next week on TV.
p.s. Google statuephilia
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