Sunday, 14 September 2008

Rome - The Coliseum

Like most sites I seem to go and visit, the Coliseum is not as big as you think it's going to be. It looks muuuch bigger on Gladiator aha. (maybe its just me though, I thought the Empire State Building wasn't that tall and it was in a cloud). After being accosted by a deaf and dumb Roman soldier, having our photos taken, and being stripped of 4euros for them, my girlfriend and I made it inside. After my typical initial reaction, I did then think that it was actually immense that they built this tiiime ago, sans powertools. This was a recurring feeling throughout my 'Roman Holiday'. Inside the edifice, it was actually quite gigantic and impressive, you could see how people would have interacted with it centuries ago. It was bigger than Old Trafford I would say. The best bit was being able to see under the ground, where all the animals and gladiators were kept before fighting, I got excited like a small boy, thinking of the film Gladiator.

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