Wednesday, 3 September 2008

What's the chuffing deal Noel?

What are these fucking 'designer' vinyl toys that have been getting in the way of my life for a couple of years now???

They are poor. They aesthetically please me for like a second and then I want to melt them like I used to do so to Playmobil with my mate Magor (Playmobil was awesome though, they didn't deserve the melting).

Who decided to make 'nice looking' toys for adults, that aren't toys, but in fact just sit there on your shelf, or probably in clear vacuum formed containers, looking shit? They aren't Pokemon cards ok? And you aren't a child, so you don't need a pretend toy. It's not 'kooky', it's stupid. At least Pokemon cards were cool (yes i do still have the complete original base set in plastic card-sized wallets, there's just something about shineys!!!)

So yeah, just what's the deal here? This designer toy explosion needs to im-fucking-plode.

The Japanese had a good thing going with karaoke and they ruin it all with this.


Anonymous said...

I enjoy the fresh new wittyness you are applying to these threads. i agree..

this shit needs to im-focking plode ha x

James said...

"The Japanese had a good thing going with karaoke and they ruin it all with this"
What a quote. Classic stuff

Hand Job said...

i can feel this blog becoming more of a moan than a celebration of things i like. grumpy old man.

Anonymous said...

I can definitely second that. Must be Grumpy in our old age.